lunes, 17 de noviembre de 2014

A review by Johanna Malier Castro 

    One of my favorite movies is DIVERGENT. This is an action film. The film divergent is of 2014. The film starts Shaline Woodley (Beatriz), Teo James(Cuatro) and Ansel Elgort(Caleb). The director is Neil Burguer.
     The story is about a divided society in five sectors: Abnegation, Cordiality, Audacity, Scholarship AND Truth. Beatriz Prior of 18 years has to choose between them, soon she discovers that is divergent. This film is entretaining, gripping and great.
      The acting of Beatriz is really strong. However over the film she is revealed and falls in love with Cuatro. 
       In my opinion the film is a romantic and action film, beause Beatriz and Cuatro fall in love. I really love the film and the characters of the actors. I`am looking forward to the second part. 

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