jueves, 19 de noviembre de 2015

Description of a place: Moscow by Daiana Arias

Moscow is the capital of Russia, it is the most important political,industrial,scientific,and culture, centers
Russia is in the two continents,Europe and Asia, the border countries are: Noruega, Filand,Estonia,Letonia,Bielorrusia, Ucrania,Georgia,Azerbaiyan,Kzajistan,Mongolia,China and North Corea.

miércoles, 18 de noviembre de 2015

Description of a place: Transylvania - by Peralta Deleis Agustina


Transylvania is the perfect setting for a trip in the world. It's situated in te oeast of rumania. It's a multicultural region. in the western part of today's Romania. It's surrounded by the Carpathian highland. Transylvania is the most romantic Romanian province after Paris. But there you can find more interesting places like stations for winter sports, pathways for excursions in the mountains and the Retezat National Park, the fascinating medieval towns, museum's art and beautiful hotels.

The region is completely surrounded by the Highland Carpathians (or Transylvanian Alps) eastern, hill Apuseni and mountain rage Carpatos. Mountains surround the region as a wall and in several places advance to inside. There are two distinctives areas in the plateau: the less elevated north sector and known as Plain Transylvania, where the pond is plentiful, and the south, the most high sector, with deep valleys. The plateau has an altitude of 300-500 m above sea level. Transylvania limits the north with the historic region of Maramures, the northeast with the Bucovina, the east with Romanian Moldavia, the south with Muntenia and Oltenia, and the west with Romanian Banat and Crisana .

A perfect place to visit is Brasov. Located in the center of Romania it's a kind of modern city. You must to know the street Strada Sforii , the narrowest street in Europe. You can make an excursion to visit the fortified church of Prejmer, the sanctuary of the brown bear and the abominable Libearty and exquisite Bran Castle , also known as Dracula's Castle.
In winter, as you can see in the picture, the pace tranforms in a beautiful place with a lot of snow and places where did extreme sports like sky of snowboard or just take a hot chocolate with milk with the family or friends.

The Dracula's Castle.

A castle with spooky and gloomy aspect. Where saids that Bran Castle leaves, better known by tourists as Dracula's Castle, located in Brasov. It is one of the most famous castle in the world and best preserved. You can make trips to Bran Castle, the supposedly residence of Vlad Tepes , which inspired the Dracula legend. 
Although tourists still believe that was Vlad's home, this castle is also visited for their beauty and antiquity. However, the legend provides much, of course.

martes, 10 de noviembre de 2015

Description of a place: LA - Fourcade

Los Angeles

Los Angeles is the perfect setting for a holiday in the US. It's located in the southwest of the US, in the state of California.It's the city with the biggest population in that state. And it's next to Arizona, Nevada and Oregon. It takes between 14 and 15 hours to get there by plane from Buenos Aires. It´s the perfect place to go on a vacation because it has a lot of things to do.

LA is the 14th widest city in the US. The people there live in a flatland and it's surrounded by hillsand valleys. It has skycrapers in isolated places, so in almost every point of the city you can watch the beautifull palms and small buildings. Unfortunately the city is exposed to earthquakes because it's located in the Ring of Fire. However the earthquakes have low intensity and most people can't even feel it. There is a mild weather all year long and with an ocean breeze. It has a wide diversity of habitats like beaches, bogs and mountains. The native plants are: the californian opium poppy, the matilija opium poppy, the troyon and the coastal oak. The city is divided in several neighborhoods: Downtown, East LA, South LA, the port, Hollywood, Wilshire, West LA, San Fernando Valley, etc.

One of the best ways to experience LA is by visiting its incredible cultural attractions. LA has more museums than any city in America, the world class cultural attractions are located in Downtown LA. You can also go and listen to some music at Walt Disney Music Hall, the Nokia Theater, etc. LA has some of the best urban art in the country, with over 1600 murals that teach history and celebrate cultural diversity. You can also visit the places where your favorite movie was made because LA locations have made countless appearences in films and TV episodes. If you're into fashion LA is the perfect place for you! Because it has always been ahead of the fashion curve. Downtown LA's Fashion District is one of the worlds's best shopping areas for cutting edge fashion.

There are also activities for those who like to be on the move. Although it would take a lifetime to experience all the activities that LA has to offer. There are world famous theme parks like Universal Studios Hollywood, Six Flags and Disneyland. If you are into movies you can visit studios like Universal, Warner Brothers, Paramount Pictures an Sony Pictures that  offer the ultimate film and TV fan experience. Attractions like the USS Iowa and the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library offer entertainment for the entire family.
Definitely LA is the place to go!

Description of a place; New York by Josefina Robson

New York 

New York is the percfect setting for holiday in the USA. It is bordered by New Jersey and Pennsylvania to the south and Connecticult, and it takes fourteen hours to get there from Argentina by plain. But it is hard to imagine a bigger contrast, or a better  breathtaking place to buy anything. New York it`s a multicultural place so you can find someone to talk and ask what  you want in you lenguage.

The weather in New York is to extreme. Winter it's very cold for example in January and February reaching -10ºC with frequent snowfall. Summer it's to hot the rest of the year reaching 35ºC . The best age is in autumn reaching between 16ºC and 20ºC.

The Liberty island is in a south of Manhattan, for many visitors , it is the is the wide variety of breathtaking scenery wich makes the region so attractive. New york have a lot of skyscraper for example empire state have 102 flors and you can see a fantastic view.


  • Moma: It has been important in developing and collecting modernist art, and is often identified as the most influential museum of modern art in the world. 

  • National September 11 Memorial & Museum: Are the principal memorial and museum, respectively, commemorating The September 11 attacks of 2001 which killed 2,507 civilians, law enforcement officers, 343 firefighters, and 55 military personnel.

  • American Museum of Natural History: Is one of the largest museums in the world. The museum has a full-time scentific staff of 225, sponsors over 120 special field expeditions each each year, and averages aboutfive millin visits annually. 
Definitely New York is the place to go to know a lot of funny places! 

Description of a place: France by Yanina Robledo

FRANCE is the perfect setting for a holiday in Europe. It is situated in western Europe among the countries of Monaco, Italy, Belgium, Spain, Andorra, Switzerland, Germany, and Luxembourg. It takes only thirty hours (with one stopover) to get there from Buenos Aires, Argentina by plane. But it is hard to find another cosmopolitan place where you can meet people from different cultures.

It's the wide variety of breathtaking scenery which makes the region so attractive. There are flat plains and rolling hills in the north and west. There are mountains in the east and south. Mont Blanc (Alps) is the western Europe's highest point. The weather in France is warm. The country has a variety of four climates and subclimates.

(Burgundy-Provence-French Alps-Corsica-French Polynesia)

France is famous for the Eiffel Towel in Paris. It is the tallest monument (324 metres) of the city and it is one of the monuments more visited in the world. You can visit the towel from 9 a.m. to midnight from mid-June to early September and from 9:30 a.m. to 11 p.m. during the rest of the year, and the ticket costs €17,00. You can't miss:

(Eiffel Towel)

  • The New First Floor: It has a new transparent floor and new installations.
  • Exploring Paris from the Second Floor: It has a panoramic view over Paris and you can take lifts to get to the top.
  • The Eiffel Towel in the evening: After sunset, the towel sparkles and bathes in golden lights and it offers a fascinating view of the Paris lights.
  • Champagne at the top: The bar is on the top floor and offers you a choice of a glass of either rosé or white champagne. The bar is open daily from midday to 10 at night (a glass of champagne will cost between €12 and €21).
  • Visiting the Eiffel Towel on foot: You can take the stairs from the bottom, walking around the centre of the Towel's metallic structure. ¡You can proudly say you’ve climbed 704 steps!
  • Picnic on the First Floor: In 58 TOUR EIFFEL restaurant you can enjoy a spot of lunch high in the sky with Paris at your feet. Formula from 22.50  - children's menu from 14 €.

A great place for families and friends to visit is Disneyland Paris. There are two theme parks: Disneyland Park and Walt Disney Studios Park. You can stay in one of the seven hotels that the resort offers. It is a good entertainment for families.



Description of a place - Fiyi Islands by Ezequiel Alvarenga

Description of a Place - Fiyi Islands

Fiyi Islands is the perfect setting for a trip in the World. It is situated in the east of Oceania, and it takes only thirty hours to get there from Buenos Aires (Capital Federal) depends on the stopovers by plane. It is hard to imagine a better place to escape from the stress of urban life.

Fiyi is a multicultural country with a wide of variety of breathtaking, historic landscape with churches and mosques. There are a lot of fascinating, sandy beaches. There are wide of wooded, wild forests. Or go inland and you can enjoy the wide isolated coves.

Fiyi is famous for its beaches, but there plenty of other attractions for holidaymakers. A great place to visit its The Botanical Gardens. Its a fascinating place with a plenty of exotic flowers. As well they can go to the Clock Tower, a historic, isolated place.

This region offers day trips to suit every taste, but for nature-lovers, a visit to Levuka Island is a must. The island is home to a wide range of fascinating wildlife. Its a perfect place to do diving, and snorkel and watch a lot of exotic fishes, The place its a must-see for visitors.

Description of a Place - Cuba by Johanna Canino

La Habana, Cuba 

     La Habana is the perfect place to visit for a holiday in any season. It is situated on Central America. It is an isalnd so it is surrounded by the caribbian sea, the gulf of Mexico and the Bahamas. It takes 8 hours to get there from Argentina by plane.

   La Habana is a fascinating place to escape from the stresses of urban life. It is the wide variety of breathtaking scenery which makes the region so attractive. There are old buildings that makes you fell catched on the time and it is one of the richest coutryes of culture.. The weather is hot in all seasons inclusive in winter. In summer is very hot, it takes 35ºc.

   Two great places for families to visit are Varadero and Cayo Largo that are famous for its beaches. And they are the main turistic place in Cuba. Or may be you prefer the city, so you can go for example to La Habana Vieja, Malecon, Museo de la Revolucion and Regla. In addition you can visit Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes that is for many visitors one of the most brathtaking in the world. The best wather to go is winter  because it is not that boiling hot like summer. 

    There are also activities for those who like to be on the move. If you like swimming, you can do scubadiving in Camaüey or you can swim with dolphins in Varadero.  in addition you can visit the Saturno Cave in Varadero, which is famous for its transparent and fresh water.
Definetely, Cuba is the perfect place to go! 

miércoles, 28 de octubre de 2015

A film review: Iron Man by Facundo Coronil

One of my favourite film is Iron Man.It's an action film.The film stars Robert Downey JR.
It's the story if a man who wants to save the world,to do that he invents a war armor,however,saving the world is not going to be easy.The movie is violent,funny and very gripping.
The acting of Robert Downey JR is really good but the best of this movie are the special effects,for example the effects of iron man flying and the battles are awesome.
This movie was really good rated,all people liked it.
I like this movie because.The film about Marvel superheroes are amazing and especially the final
 escene of iron man (1,2 and 3).Iron Man always defeats his enemies.Iron Man has to fight against an aillness in Iron Man 2 but finally recovers.

A film review Hulk by Fernando Vera

One of my favourite film is the Hulk. Because this film is an action and science fiction film. The film stars Josh Lucas.

It's the story of doctor brus banner, a cientific who goes through an involuntarily transformation into Hulk, a criature that result of the failed experiment belonging to the program super soldier. However, another cientific  called ross who wants to help a discover a cure for the lighting gamma.
The acting was very good. I particularly liked Josh Lucas, who played the part of hulk. However, the best thing about the film was the very good special effects, especially when Brus turns into a Hulk.

In my opinion, this film is full of science fiction and exciting, although I think this film in the series was a bit better. Overall, it's a really enjoyable film.

Jurassic World by Jennifer Aquisse Chuqui

One of my favorite film is Jurassic World. It´s a fantasy film, although It´s also an action story. The film stars Bryce Howard and Chris Pratt.
It´s the story of Claire Dearin and Owen Graddy. The park reopens and there are new dinosaurs but this becomes dangerous as hey escape. Claire and Owen try to stop and hill hem.
The acting is excellent. I particularly like Brycree Dallas. However, the best thing about the film is the amazing special effects especially when the dinosaurs fight.
In my opinion, this film is full of action and bit of horror. Overall It´s a really advisable film.

A film review Dumb and Dumber by Lorenzo Alcaraz

                                         Dumb and Dumber
One of my favourite film is Dumb and Dumber. It´s a comedy film. The film stars Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels.
It´s the story of Harry and Lloyd. The two boys are very stupied. Lloyd finds a briefcase full of money. 
The want to return the money a girl althoug They spend the money in cars. In the end, They return the briefcase, but not the money.
The acting is fantastic. I particularly liked Jin Carrey, In the scene when he farts in the car with a killer.
In my opinion, this film is full ofcomedy and It´s really stupied. ovevall, it´s a relly enjoyable film. I love this movie because it is crazy.

A film review by Agustín Molina

Olympus Has Fallen

One of my favorite films is Olympus has fallen. It's an action film, although it's also a war story. the film stars Gerard Butler, Aaron Eckhart and Morgan Freeman.

              It's the story of Mike Banning, ex soldier of the special forces. Now he works in the Secret Service next to the president of The United States, Benjamin Asher.

              During a meeting between Asher and the first Minister of South Korea, Lee Tae Woo, a North Korea terrorist attacks and takes control of the white house.
              Mike Banning is inside the white house and he has to rescue the president.

              The acting is very bad but the special effects are amazing and Gerard Butler is a very good fighter. Morgan Freeman very boring acting and Aaron Eckhart so so.
              In my opinion this film is full of action and it's really exciting, although I think it's rally good action film. Overall, it's an enjoyable film.

A Film review: X-men Saga=Days of Future Past by Lila Torres

One of my favourite films is X-men Saga= Days of Future Past. It´s an action and thriller film , although it´s also a war mutants story . The film stars Hugh Jackman ,James McAvoy , Michael Fassbender , Jennifer Lawrence , Halle Berry and other actors.

It´s the story of mutants VS humans and robots . When Mystic killes Bolivar Trask , the creator of centinela .This starts a war between mutants and robots . Wolverine goes to the past.However , he looks for young Profess X , Magnecto and Mystic. It´s an spectacular film , the story takes place in 1970.

The acting is excellent I particulary liked Hugh Jackman (Wolverine) and Evan Peters (Quicksilver) , although the best thing about the film is the amazing special effects.

In my opinion , this film is full of action and it´s really exciting.

A film review: Captain America the first avenger by Tomas Glavich

One of my favorite films in the Marvel cinematic universe is Captain America The firts avenger. it is science fiction film, a superhero movie. The film stars Chris Evans as Captain America/Steve Rogers and Hugo Weaving as red skull. 

It is story of the first superhero in marvel. The film shows how Steve Rogers becomes a superhero, them he figths with the american team in a war. The story takes place in 1942. The war is against the nazis. The two teams have a secret associations, the nazis  are hidra and the americans are shield. It is an intertaining movie.

Ther acting is excellent, all of them,but Chris Evans is the best, he is Captain America. The special effects are amazing. The best thing about th efilm is the conection with the others films in the Marvel cinematic universe. The music is good, although i don´t pay attention to it in most of the film.

In my opinion it is a great film. It´s exciting when Captain America is in trouble and the fight scenes overall, it´s a really enjoyable film. I recommed it.

viernes, 16 de octubre de 2015

Description of Cordoba by Josefina Robson Quiroga


Cordoba is THE perfect setting for holidayS in Argentina. It is situated in the center of THE country, and it’s among the provinces of La Rioja, Catamarca, Santiago del Estero, Santa Fe, Buenos Aires, La Pampa and San Luis. It takes ten hours to get there from Buenos Aires by car or bus.

On the one hand, the north-west of Cordoba is an area of outstanding natural beauty like Sierras de Cordoba, and for many visitors, it’s the wide variety of breathtaking scenery which makes the  region so attractive.
 There are particular mountains because there THEY have standard height. On the other hand, Capilla del Monte is an isolated place located 110km from Cordoba city and it is 979 mts adobe the sea level. It have THERE ARE a lot of hotels because IT is a turisTIC place, so THERE are ALSO  a lot activities to do all day. 

Cordoba is famous for its concerts for example Cosquin Rock WHICH  it’s a facinating music rock festival, THERE ARE have many stages and different bands PLAY, The Oktoberfest it’s IS a beer festival. Both do  TAKE PLACE every year in summer and AT the end of year. 

A great place for families/friends to visit is Villa Carlos Paz. There are theatres, the Cucú Clock and many interesting games. 

This region offers funny moments, diFferent experiences, new landscapes and you can buy a lot of souveniers for example AlFAjOdores Cordobeses for all the family and friends. The place is a must see for visitors.

Description of a place : Santa Cruz, by: Daiana Arias

Santa Cruz is a province of Argentina, located in the region of Patagonia in the south. It limits TO the north with the province of Chubut, TO THE east to WITH the Atlantic Ocean and TO THE south and west by WITH the Republic of Chile and it takes only three hours to get there from Buenos Aires by plane.
The climate of the region is arid and cold with low temperatures almost all THE year and , strong thermal amplitudes ( RANGE OF TEMPERATURE) and insufficient rains.Two types of climate coexist in the province of Santa Cruz: the Patagonian arid climate of central and eastern NOUN?  and western cold wet weather. In a thin strip that runsFROM  north to south along the Patagonian Andes, wet cold weather prevails who AND IT has the influence of the Pacific in regard to the production of rain and snow.
Santa Cruz is famous for: Glaciar Perito Moreno, It is considered the eighth wonder of the world. The imposing mass of ice surrounded by endless forests and mountains THIS IS COPIED PASTE. IT IS NOT VALID; El Calafate, appears southwest of the province of Santa Cruz acting as a portal to enter the majestic Perito Moreno glacier. Cultural tours, scenic drives, rural tourism, fishing and adventure, this attractive tourist village extends its inviting corner by corner discover regardless of the season; El Chalten,it is nestled in Glacier National Park arrogating the honor of being the youngest among the offices of the province of Santa Cruz. Recognized as National Capital of Trekking, and founded at the foot of the mythical Mount Fitz Roy, it is an ideal place to practice outdoor space, sports and adventure, attracting crowds of tourists to its unique landscapes.
Santa Cruz offers very beautiful landscapes, for all people of any age.The Place is a must-see for visitors

Description of a place: Misiones by Rocio Fourcade

Misiones is the perfect setting for a holiday in Argentina. It is situated in the north-east of the region, and it takes only 12 hours to get there from Buenos Aires by car. You will be captivated by it fascinating scenery and history.

It´s the wide variety of breathtaking scenery which makes the region so attractive. There are rivers like the San Antonio, Guazú or Uruguay, the Iguazú Falls, forest which has the most OF THE biodiversity of Argentina. The forest has trees that reach 45 meters high, plants that reach 15 meters high and a wide variety of animals and plants, such as the orchid. In 1989 a law was passed stating that people can´t hunt some animal species like the yaguareté, el tapir and the anteater.

Misiones is famous for its falls, mountain range, rivers, the red land and its constant rain. But there are plenty of thingS for holidaymakers to do. A great place for families and friends to visit is the Iguazú Falls for its breathtaking scenery and it´s one of the 7 Wonders of the World, it has 275 falls. Or Salto Encantado that is a hidden treasure and its fall has 64 meters high and it´s one of the most seen VISITED attractions of the region.

The region offers day trips to suit every taste like Camino de los Jesuitas, bird seeing  WATCHING, a guide to Pueblos Originarios or museums. There are some special festivals that people can go such as Fiesta Nacional de Yerba Mate, Fiesta Provincial de la Cerveza, Fiesta Nacional de la Orquídea y Provincial de la Flor y Fiesta Nacional del Inmigrante. This place is a must see for visitors.

miércoles, 14 de octubre de 2015

A film review: Terminator Genesis by Mateo Larumbe

One of my favourite films is Terminator Génesis.It is an American science fiction and action film.The film stars Arnold Schwarzenegger Emilia ClarkeJason ClarkeJai CourtneyMatt SmithByung-hun LeeDayo OkeniyiCourtney B. VanceSandrine Holt and J.K. Simmons.
It`s the story of John Connor , leader of the human resistance , who leads the war against the machines.However the virus Skynet attacks it from two fronts: the past and the future , and ultimately the war will change forever.Colorado Drive will destroy the heart of Skynet ; and the second unit , led by himself and Kyle Reese, the ultimate weapon to destroy Skynet in a time machine .
The acting is excellent. I liked 
Arnold Schwarzenegger in a scene where he jumps out of the helicopter. However, the best thing about film is the spectacular special effects.The music is gripping and I  loved the compositors Lome Balfe and Brad Field.
In my opinion, this film is specacular I  loved Terminator Genesis  ,  although it`s full OF action and real scenes  .I think the next movie wil be amazing.

A film Review E.T by Agustín Saavedra

( ͡° ʖ ͡°)    E.T    ( ͡° ʖ ͡°)


  One of my favourite fims is E.T. It´s a science fiction film, although it´s also a moving story. The film stars Henry Thomas, Dee Wallace, Robert Macnaughton, Drew Barrymore and Peter Coyoteare.
  It´s the story of Eliot and E.T. A teenage boy called Eliot and an alien, that he finds in the basement of his house. However, the government trys to find "E.T", to investigate him. So Eliont and his sister have to protect him. It´s a moving and fantastic film.
The acting is incredible. I particularly like Henry Thomas, who played the part of Eliot, his faces and expressions are really good. However, the best thing about the film is the music and the special effects. The best part of the film is when Eliot and E.T fly in the bike to escape, this escene is epic.
In my opinion, this film is full of thriller and it is really exciting. Overall, it´s a really enjoyable film.

Invictus by Francisco Gauna


One of my fauvorite (check the spelling)  film is INVICTUS.It`s a historical drama , although it`s also a rugby film.The film stars Matt Damon and Morgan Freeman.

It`s the friendship story between the captain of the southafrican rugby team , Francois Pienaar  , and the polemic (this adjective can't be used to describe a person, find another )  president Nelson Mandela. They (are you sure?) mission is win the rwc of 1995.

The acting was (write the word in Present Simple) excellent and the ambientation (Check this word because it's not the correct one)  was (write the word in Present Simple) really good , the best aspect of the film is the really good interpretation of the relationship between Nelson and Francois.

In my opinion the film was excellent and all the aspects were quite good , this film is really gripping and entertainig. Overall , it`s a work of art directed by the great Clint Eastwood.

A review by Francisco Gauna