Cordoba is THE perfect setting for holidayS in Argentina. It is situated in
the center of THE country, and it’s among the provinces of La Rioja, Catamarca,
Santiago del Estero, Santa Fe, Buenos Aires, La Pampa and San Luis. It takes
ten hours to get there from Buenos Aires by car or bus.
On the one hand, the north-west of Cordoba is an area of outstanding natural beauty like Sierras de Cordoba, and for many visitors, it’s the wide variety of breathtaking scenery which makes the region so attractive.
There are particular mountains becausethereTHEY have standard height. On the other hand, Capilla del Monte is an isolated place located 110km from Cordoba city and it is 979 mts adobe the sea level.It haveTHERE ARE a lot of hotels because IT is a turisTIC place, so THERE are ALSO a lot activities to do all day.
Cordoba is famous for its concerts for example Cosquin
Rock WHICH it’s a facinating music rock festival, THERE ARE have many stages and different bands PLAY, The
Oktoberfest it’s IS a beer festival. Both do TAKE PLACE every year in summer and AT the end of
A great place for
families/friends to visit is Villa Carlos Paz. There are theatres, the Cucú
Clock and many interesting games.
This region offers funny
moments, diFferent experiences, new landscapes and you can buy a lot of
souveniers for example AlFAjOdores Cordobeses for all the family and
friends. The place is a must see for visitors.
This is a very good writing Jose. There are a couple of mistakes but in general, the description is very clear, there is a good use of vocabulary, it is divided in paragraphs and it reads smoothly. Good job!