martes, 13 de octubre de 2015

Decription of Jujuy - By Joha


Jujuy is the Pperfect place to be isolated in Argentina. It is situated in the noethen NORTHERN region of Argentina, and it is  located 1607 kms from Buenos Aires. It takes 18:30 hours to get there from Buenos Aires by car.
Jujuy is a fascinating area of wild nature NATURAL beauty. There are many breathtaking places to visit. For example, Quebrada de Humahuaca, Parque Nacional Calilegua. el Rio Purmamarca and Cierro de los 7 Colores. For many visitors this is the best place to escape from the urban life. It is the wide variety of breathtaking scenery which makes the region so attractive. There are hills, quiet coves and dunes. there are slopeS and valleys.In addition you can visit Tilcara and . It's an important place in La Quebrada de Humahuaca.

Jujuy is famous for its salt mines, but there are plenty of other attractions for holiday maker. A great place for families to visit is la Puna. It's a place to practice breeding llamas.

This region offers day trips to visit all the historic places. If you are feeling adventurous, you can visit the region of Yungas. it's a wild, thrilling and natural place to dare to discover. The place is a must-see for visitors.


1 comentario:

  1. Joha, the writing is quite good and well organized. I would have been a good ised to include information about the weather and the landscape.
    Good use of vocabulary and structures in general.
