miércoles, 9 de septiembre de 2015

Tokyo Holidays º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º

I´m (incomplete verb)having a fantastic time!!! I´m in Tokio, it´s a county of Japan. The weather is freezing. (this makes no sense: is it freezing or boiling?). The city is huge, there are a lot of buildingand billboards. I´m in a tiny house with my mother (wrong spelling, please check it)
There are a lot of people en the city. My mother (wrong spelling, please check it) and I went to the restaurant, we ate sushi and  for dessert we ate ice crean. The next day, we´ re walking (This is a PLAN so write ir in the FUTURE)  in the city.During the week (ask me about this)  , we 're going to visit a temple , then we are going to go to see a movie.On Saturday, my mother and I are going back. my mom already bought tickets . I really had fun these holidays (wrong spelling, pelase check it)   with my mom . This holidays in Tokyo with her were great. (ask me about this phrase please)

By: Lorenzo Alcaraz

lunes, 7 de septiembre de 2015

Holidays Miami beach

My family and I are having a brilliant time here in the Miami beach. I came to this place for the first time whit my family. Yesterday, we went to the beach in the morning but In the afternoon we went shopping to Walmart and Best Buy. At night we went to have a dinner in a huge restaurant. Today we went to have a breakfast in a hotel in the morning.
In the afternoon we are going to the beach. In here we are going to play football,go surfing, swimming and go diving. At night my family and I are going to have a dinner in McDonald's. Tomorrow we are going to Orlando Florida on car in the morning. In the afternoon we are going to a check in at the other hotel resort. At night we are going to see fireworks in Disney Castle.
When we are coming to Buenos Aires we are going to my grandmother's house.

The beautiful Venice

I'm having a great time in Venice,italy.The weather here is freezing but in summer is boiling.I'm in a beautiful hotel with amazing scenery because  there is a lot of water.there are not vehicles,they use boats.
I'm with my mother my father and my sister..I love the italian food especially pizzas.Yesterday after visited the San Marcos basilic we had a tour of Venice on boat, it was amazing but we finished very tired,I bought souvenirs for my friends and tomorrow we are going to visit the Rialto Bridge.Finally I'm planning to go home in five days.I miss my friends
Facundo Coronil

Brasil holidays

My holiday blog

I'm having a fantastic time in Brasilia, Brazil. The weather is boiling. Yesterday I went to the beach and I went swimming and great scenery. My cousin jumped because the weather was freezing. And I went to buy a souvenirs.Tomorrow I'm going to the acuarium with my family and my cousins and visiting a museum. I'm coming back home next week.

Fernando Vera

Cancun Holidays

Here in Cancún México there are one of the best beaches. The beaches are spotless and huge. I've ever seen, the water is cristal blue, you can see right through the water like as it was glass. The weather is very humid and boiling. Here in having the best time of my life because the people,  the weather and the cultures are fantastic. Yesterday I visited xel-há that is one of the best natural aquarium of the world,there I went snorkeling and I played tennis and volleyball. Im was exhausted. Tommorow I am planning to go on a cruise tour through all different islands here in Cancún. I bought souvenirs for my family.
Finally I'm planning to go home in four days approximately

 Luciana Acevedo.
2do Año

domingo, 6 de septiembre de 2015

The best (check the spelling of this word) Holidays feat. Diego Maradona

The Fantastic Holidays

I'm having a fantastic time in Dubai.The weather in summer in Dubai is boiling. In winter during the day it's dry and hot but at night it's freezing.
Yesterday,we went to Dubai Museum. We saw a old canoe and very importants sculpture (wrong spelling, please check it) . I took a several photos, I loved the photos I took, we went to a famous restaurant in Dubai, it was fantastic and we saw a famous theater, it was awesome.
Tomorrow, we're visiting (wrong spelling, pelase check)  a fabulous beach of the coast of Dubai. I really love the beach I'm going to surf with my surfboard.
We're flying to Buenos Aires on Tuesday. My cousin says it's freezing in Buenos Aires.

By: your dear friend Mateo Larumbe

sábado, 5 de septiembre de 2015

Amazing Holidays

Fantastic Holidays

I´m having a nice time in the Galapagos Islands. I had and I´m having a good time, I love the wildlife that has is huge and beautiful. Tomorrow I'm going to visit a beach that has a variety of species. The first day I arrived in the islands I was completely starving, I wanted to eat the rich food that is in Galapagos. They told me they do many carnivals and I love THAT. Next week is full of festivals but not just any festival but one of those big, colorful festivals, It will be very good (use an EXTREME ADJECTIVE here). People are very happy here. I have a month to continue to enjoy this beautiful place.

By Aquisse Chuqui Jennifer

Spain holidays ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

A holyday blog
I'm having a great time in Spain!
the weather is fantastic and the sun is boiling. I'm visiting this place because There're two  concert's in Cataluña ( is a province of Spain) of my favorite band Guns n Roses, these guys are amazing and the music of the band is awesome.
Yesterday I went with my mom to the nacional museum of art in Barcelona. The paintings are pretty nice and the museum is huge. At 5 pm the weather was freezing so i'm  went to the shopping and bought a blue jacket.
Tommorow we're going to my aunt's house, because when i'm was a child I never watched.
Finally I'm coming home in septembre because I said to my mom to stay a 1 month and she said yes.

viernes, 4 de septiembre de 2015

Caribe Holidays

My Terrible Holidays

I´m having a terrified weekend here in the Caribe. The weather is hideous and freezing. I`m not having a relaxing holiday. =(
That `s really unlucky because my uncle said "The weather is fantastic and you will love this place" and I thought “Yeah, I really would like the boiling weather and I would have a great time"

Yesterday morning I visited a Water Park and went to the beach and I sunbathed. I stayed on the beach two hours and went on an expedition to the City and bought souvenirs. When I arrived in the city, a storm started here .I saw many people were runing to  the hotel or their houses, while I stayed in the pavement getting wet in the rain. When I was back in the hotel I was exhausted and went to bed.

Tomorrow I am going to visit the museum or go to the shopping .If doesn`t rain I´m going to go on canoe trip and then I´m playing cards and waiting flying home.
I think I´m sick. °~°

by: Lila Torres

jueves, 3 de septiembre de 2015


My holidays ft. Tomy Glavich

  I´m having a fantastic time in Miami. There are huge beaches, the water is clear and the sand doesn´t have shells. The weather is always sunny, but yesterday it was raining. In the American winter, Miami doesn´t have a really cold weather because it is near the Caribean.

  Yesterday morning, I had breakfats at the hotel with my friend, we ate the american breakfats all the days, it was delicious. After that, we went to swim at the swimming pool of the hotel, a few minutes later, my friend told me something great, he fought with a security guard the other night in the disco, he won, he is huge and a really good fighther. when we went out of the pool, it was raining so we  stayed  all the day at the hotel, because it is all inclusive.
  Tomorrow, we´re go surfing in the beach and playing soccer with some friends that we met in the hotel. at night we race a competition cars in the streets of MAIMEEE, like fast and furious.

   We are returning home on monday. Today is friday, we can do some things more,but we are exhausted. We did amazing things this week, but I think is time to return home. This holidays are the best.

Bye, peace and love

Tomas Glavich

miércoles, 2 de septiembre de 2015

Zimbabwe is awesome

I´m having a great time!! I´m in Zimbabwe, it is a country of Africa. The weather is boiling, it´s terrible, I hate the hot weather!!! I´m in a small house in the middle of the jungle. Here I can see some of the most interesting animals of Zimbabwe, for example: elephants, lions or  tigers (omit the article 'THE'). And I found a tiny squirrel.
 Yesterday, I did a tour with a safari. The safari (who is 'HE'?) taught (wrong verb) me the secrets and the history of Zimbabwe. It was fantastic!! I learned some things about the nature. Do you know that the earth is round!! :O Include some other activities you did please, use vocabulary I took photos and made videos about the incredible things of the jungle. I saw a big number of diferent trees. It was beautiful. 
 Tomorrow, I´m visiting the city and watching a work in theater. I am meeting with my friend, Mr. Poppo! In 1998 he did a movie called Dragon Ball.
 I´m flying home on monday. My dad says he misses me.

By Agustín Saavedra ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)  ▲ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

A blog in MAIAMEEEE feat. Ricky Fort

The best holidays

I `m having a great time here in Miami , Florida , United States.
The weather here is boiling , sunny and there are fantastic scenaries.

Yesterday , I arrived in  Miami at 6:30 a.m with my brother and my dad. After we arrived in this boiling city we went to the Casablanca hotel in South Beach , it is a really beautiful building with hilarious people. I met some gorgeous girls and funny guys. After we registered in the hotel , we went to the beach in front of the hotel.

After that we had a fantastic time in the beach and we went  downtown to eat fish ,finally after eating we fell in the beds beacause we were exhausted.

Tomorrow we are going to the shopping malls to buy a lot of things like clothes , electronics but the most important thing : surfboards!!!
This holiday is absolutely the best and it is going too fast , I `ll be home next week .
What a shame!!!!

A blog by : Francisco Gauna.


I'm having a great time here in Brasil! There are some fantastic beaches here, but the weather is boiling!. That's really unlucky because it is usually really good at this time of the year. This kind of weather makes me feels exhausted all the time :(.
Yesterday, we stayed in the hotel all day with the air conditioning on, we played cards and we watched TV. In the afternoon we went to sunbathe in the beach and later we went for a walk in the main Avenue. Tomorrow, we're visiting a huge water park 10 kilometers away from Camboriú. It's the biggest water park in South America! I'm so excited about it.
We're flying back to Buenos Aires next weekend. What a shame!
