domingo, 6 de septiembre de 2015

The best (check the spelling of this word) Holidays feat. Diego Maradona

The Fantastic Holidays

I'm having a fantastic time in Dubai.The weather in summer in Dubai is boiling. In winter during the day it's dry and hot but at night it's freezing.
Yesterday,we went to Dubai Museum. We saw a old canoe and very importants sculpture (wrong spelling, please check it) . I took a several photos, I loved the photos I took, we went to a famous restaurant in Dubai, it was fantastic and we saw a famous theater, it was awesome.
Tomorrow, we're visiting (wrong spelling, pelase check)  a fabulous beach of the coast of Dubai. I really love the beach I'm going to surf with my surfboard.
We're flying to Buenos Aires on Tuesday. My cousin says it's freezing in Buenos Aires.

By: your dear friend Mateo Larumbe

1 comentario:

  1. Good first draft, please read it again and correct the details marked.
    Please try to include two more activities you DID, use teh vocabulary we practiced in class.
    Edit you work
